Monday, December 7, 2009

Zazzle Christmas 5th Day: $5 Off T-Shirt

Good Morning! (or afternoon for some)

Today's zazzle's sale is $5 off a t-shirt


$5 discount applies to one or more Zazzle apparel items. Enter promo code 12DEALSSHIRT at checkout to receive the discount. Offer is valid from December 7, 2009 through December 7, 2009 at 11:59pm PT. This promotional offer may not combine with any other Zazzle promotional or volume discount offers. If a volume discount applies to your order, you will receive either the discount set forth in this offer or the standard volume discount, whichever is greater. Offer valid on only.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Zazzle is Having 30% Off Stocking Stuffers!

These include Custom Stamps, mousepads, keychains, buttons, magnets, bumper stickers, and round stickersUse Code: 12DEALSSTUFF

Go check out some of PeticularFashions fun things :)

Here is the fine print:30% of the Zazzle Custom Stamp, mousepad, keychain, button, magnet, bumper sticker, and round sticker net sale price will be deducted when the coupon code 12DEALSSTUFF is applied at checkout. For most products, the net sale price is the price of the product (excluding shipping and taxes). For Zazzle Custom Stamps, the net sale price is the difference between the price of the Zazzle Custom Stamps (excluding shipping and taxes) and the face value of the postage. Offer is valid from December 6, 2009 through December 6, 2009 at 11:59pm PT. This promotional offer may not combine with any other Zazzle promotional or volume discount offers. . If a volume discount applies to your order, you will receive either the discount set forth in this offer or the standard volume discount, whichever is greater. Offer valid on

Friday, December 4, 2009

Thank You!

I want to take this moment and say thank you to my cousin Tricia! She has been a true gem not only helping me set up this business but also supporting me in many ways. She herself has a blog for her business as many of you know and one of her most recents posts touched my heart. I hope you take the time to read it as well as checking out the rest of her blog. She often gives away free printables and clipart. Not to mention she has many fun products on zazzle :)

Thank you Tricia for having such a kind heart! We love you!!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Postage Sale at Zazzle

A little birdy told me that custom postage is on sale at Zazzle, just in time for the Holidays. $5 of 44cent postage stamp sheets. Code for discount is zazzlestamps.
Here are some custom postage stamps from PeticularFashions that are available for purchase.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Coloring Page

Happy Thankgiving!!
A simple page for the kiddos to color this week. Have them scan it and email back to us to so we can see their creative side.

Happy Thanksgiving!!

One of my favorite holidays of the year is Thanksgiving. A time where we have many family members and friends join us for a fun and yummy filled day. Each of us share a time or something we are thankful for. Thankgiving was also one of my Grandma's favorite holidays, so it is this month I share her favorite dog with you.
A Scottish Terrier otherwise known as a Scottie. We at call our friend Laddie. Scottie magnet
Dog of the Month: Scottish Terrier ~ The Scottish Terrier was developed in Scotland in the 1700s. The breed was first called the Aberdeen Terrier, after the Scottish town of Aberdeen. George, the fourth Earl of Dumbarton nicknamed the dogs "little diehard" in the 19th century. Scotties first arrived in the USA in the 1890's. Scotties were used to hunt den animals, such as rabbit, otter, fox, and badger.

Friday, October 16, 2009

October Dog of the Month

Did you guess a pug? Congratulations, you are correct!

Pugs are among the hardiest of toy dogs. They are known to make a splendid house pet due to their cleanliness. Pugs have fine & smooth with a glossy texture for a coat. Colors are silver fawn, apricot fawn or black with a black mask.
We have created some new items of our friend Toby at*

Meet Peticularfashions pug Toby ~

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Visit Our Store

We'd love for you to come check out our site...

Coming in October we will be sharing a dog each month. So be sure to visit us to meet a new friend and learn a little about him/her. If you have a request, please let us know and we'll see what we can do for you. A hint about our first friend is that his breed is known as the hardiest of toy dogs, their muscular body gives them the appearance of a powerful dog.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Hello world! We are some of the characters from Today July 17, 2009 at 7:17pm we will be celebrating our Grand Opening. We look forward to getting to know you better and serving you!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July

Friday, June 19, 2009


Aloha! I come to you from Honolulu, Hawaii. My name is LeiLani and I met Deojee almost 20 "dog years" ago to the day. My favorite days are when I get to hang out at the beach and chase the waves. I love all the natural beauty Hawaii has to offer. I look forward to better seving you in the near future!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Introducing Peticular Fashions' Deojee

Welcome to Peticular! We are very excited to introduce our main character Deojee.

Deojee came to us about a year ago. He is a native Californian out of a southern beach town called Port Hueneme. Over the past year we have fell in love with him. This pup is one of a kind! He is full of energy, loves to play at the beach, and brings smiles to all of our faces.

Since Deojee has come into our lives we have also met some of his friends who will be a part of the Peticular Fashions family. Over the next month and a half he is looking forward to introducing them to you.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Introducing Peticular Fashions' Characters

Peticular Fashions' characters want to introduce themselves. Beginning the first week of June you will have the chance to get to know our friends a little more as they introduce themself to the world.

Some have seen the photo, but who is behind the photo? In the month of June you will have the opportunity of learning their name, where they come from and some of their favorites in life. Who will be first...

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Peticular Swag at Zazzle

Show off your favorite Peticular Character and the most fashionable paw-print ever with Peticular Fashions swag, now available at Zazzle!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

If I were a Logo

This Summer...

...coming to a webpage near you...pets across the world will never be the same again.