Saturday, June 26, 2010

Animal Goes Scuba Diving?!?

Who says your animal can't do everything you do? Today I learned there is one less frontier awaiting exploration by our canine (and feline) friends. Which frontier is that? The ocean depths.

Yep, that's right. I'd thought I'd seen it all; dogs that surf, pets that skateboard, squirrels that waterski. Now you can suit your dog or cat up in scuba gear and have them tag along as you dive under the ocean's surface and explore the world below.
That gives a whole new meaning to dogfish and catfish.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pet Emergency Plan

I often get updates from Dr. Mercola for our own families personal use. Recently I learned he has a "Healthy Pets" info page. His topic shared today was:

Why You Need a Pet Emergency Plan
Here is a wonderful checklist
1. Locate the emergency clinic you will use
2. Pay a visit to the emergency facility
3. Decide how you'll handle payment for emergency services
4. Find out about any special procedures the clinic requires you to follow
5. Create an emergency file for your pet

You can watch the video and get more details by going here

Sunday, June 13, 2010

How to Follow PeticularFashions

Did you know that we not only have this blog to watch our updates on BUT we also have:

Zazzle Store ~*
Here you can find a variety of products with our fabulous characters. You will find ties, stickers, postage, mugs, postcards and even a skateboard. If you don't find a pet you are looking for you can send us an email and we will put it on the wish list.

Our pet store ~
This is mainly for your loved one. We currently offer products for dogs. Soon we will have a wider variety for many different pets. Let us know if you have any particular items you wished we carried and we will gladly see if we can make it happen.

Facebook ~ Peticular Fashions
We are getting excited as we are almost to our 300 followers. As soon as we get there one of our loyal fans will win a PeticularFashions gift basket made especially for their loved one.

Friday, June 11, 2010

How to Spice up Your Princess

I know one of my favorite things to do is have a nice relaxing day at the spa. Why not treat your pup like a princess for a day??? A nice bath, a pawdicure maybe even a haircut before a soft brushing.

A simple accessory can turn your little princess into a:

~Sweet Looking Puppy ~ A Puppy that has Style ~

~Someone you love with who loves to be Sassy ~ OR even HiP pup
Go to and order yours today.